pH control of any solution can only be determined if all the different
components work together in absolute synchronisation and ensure that the
reading is correct. The entire system consists of a pH controller, electrodes,
control methods, tanks, mixers, metering pumps, control valves and recorders.
The most important and prime component out of all the above listed, remains to
be a pH controller.
pH controller is a great electronic device that helps in checking and balancing
the pH levels of a solution. The pH basically refers
to the power of hydrogen. The errors of high levels of acidity or alkalinity in
a solution can be easily resolved if the exact and precise quantities of acids
and bases that are present in the solution are known. This is possible with the
help of a pH controller.

Where pH Measurements Made:
the right pH value is significant in a huge array of applications:
- Quality control.
- Pharmaceutical and the chemicals industry.
- For controlling and monitoring chemical reactions.
- Food Production Industry- The quality characteristics i.e. the pH value of meat after slaughtering, storage of food products (the reproduction of bacteria depends upon the pH value of the product), controlling and monitoring of micro-biotical food production.
- Ensuring quality control at milk dairies: Fresh and healthy milk has a pH value ranging from 6.6 to 6.8. If this value decreases the milks turns sour.
- Ensuring Quality Control along with a Healthy Production at Bakeries: The dough used in bakeries requires a low pH value to rise. The size of the bread depends upon it pH value. A higher value makes it hard and as a result, it does not rise much.
More Applications of a pH controller:
A pH controller finds
immense application in the evolving agricultural industry. All crops and plants
require water for their survival. Also, water is used in irrigation processes.
If this water is acidic in nature, it can harm all the plants and crops and
also erode away all the soil. With the help of a pH controller, a farmer can
determine the pH level of the water and neutralize it before watering the
crops. This ensures a healthy crop as well as keeps the soil fertile and free
from erosion. Similarly, a pH controller is also used in an aquarium. All the
aquatic beings can only survive if the water is neutral in nature.
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