Friday, May 23, 2014

Tachometer: A great boon to the mankind in the modern era of industrialization

Speed is the term that is mostly used in all aspect in our life. But what is the need for speed in our daily life. The simple answer to it is to finish any work in less period of time or to reach a destination in a stipulated amount of time. The requirement of working fast is very important in today’s world but it is not an easy task to finish a work in a stipulated time frame. Therefore the use of clock is the most beneficial one. It not only shows the time that is needed for finishing the job but also make one aware the capability of how fast one can work.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

pH Meter simple and inexpensive

Ph meter is an electronic device used to measure the concentration of hydrogen ions in the solution. Hydrogen ion concentration is the value which decides the nature of any solution as acidic or alkaline. The term pH was coined by danish scientist S.P.N Sorenson in 1909 . He has abbreviated pH as " ponds hydro genii".

Fundamentally Ph Meter consists of a voltmeter attached to a ph-responsive electrode and a reference ph electrode which is of fixed ph value. pH- responsive electrode is generally made of glass while reference electrode is mercury-mercurous chloride electrode, however a silver-silver chloride electrode is also used as reference. As an ideal test condition we must ensure that only the pH value of pH responsive electrode is changing upon concentration while the pH value of reference electrode must be constant throughout the test process so as to generate an effective potential difference.

When both these electrodes are immersed in a solution they form a battery. Glass electrode generates a charge(potential difference) which is directly according to the concentration of hydrogen ions, means will be higher if the solution have rich hydrogen ion concentration. The voltmeter attached measures the potential difference thus generates due to glass electrode and reference electrode and the value thus obtained is the pH score for the solution which we can compare to standard pH chart and depending on where the pH score of solution lies, we say it acidic or alkaline. As per the standard set for pH value in the field of chemistry and biology, if the pH value is below 7 then the substance is called as of acidic nature while if the pH score exceeds 7 it is said to have basic or alkaline nature. More often if any solution have pH Controller value of exactly 7 then it is marked as neutral i.e. Neither acidic nor alkaline.

For precise working of pH meter it must be calibrated every time before use. If we are using pH meter in normal use than daily calibration is required. The need of calibration required because the glass electrode is not able to generate the same emf over a period of time continuously. So in order to avoid any tolerances in the result, calibration is a good practice. Depending upon the various factors each pH meter is calibrated on number of iterations called as point, which is generally termed as 1st point calibration, 2nd point calibration and 3rd point calibration. Both the electrodes i.e. Glass electrode and reference electrode have a definite set of maintenance instructions which must be followed each time after completion of test and should be preserved carefully.

pH meter type ranges from simple and inexpensive pen like meter to some more advanced laboratory installed pH Meter equipped with various input interfaces and display indications. Some more advanced meters provides sensitivity towards temperature when slight change in temperature can cause considerable variation in our measurement.

Below are the set of precautions we must follow to get most accurate measurement results:
·         Use quality equipments
·         Maintenance of electrodes
·         Proper calibration of pH meter
·         Follow proper test procedure

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Implications of Humidity Controller in Industries

Now a day’s humidity controller is of the great significance. They are in high demand with companies that deals in microchips and computer manufacturing, liquor and wine industry, automobile industry and many more. In all of these industries, their production processes have certain tolerance limit to the humidity. Exceeding over and above these prescribed humidity limits would be very dangerous for the production processes and can hamper the quality of the output. Humidity can be measured in terms of relative humidity commonly referred to as %RH. The relative humidity is the unit in which most of the humidity detection devices will respond to. The traditional techniques of a measuring humidity is by using Dry/ Wet technique. However, in present times we often use professionally designed humidity sensors to measure the relative humidity.

Many systems require a check on the quantum of the humidity and set a range of humidity limits under which they are operational. Humidity Controller is a device that controls the process of humidification and de- humidification. It is the process of controlling the amount of humidity in the air. Therefore it is absolutely necessary to keep a check on the amount of humidity while working with such devices.
Thus humidification devices such as humidity controller are the devices that control the humidity in the air by the use of atomizing nozzles which are tuned to deliver high pressure which results in clean mist that evaporates very quickly. This evaporation will allow immediate evaporation that will drop the magnitude of the humidity in the air. In the case of paper industry, the paper storage is a problem because paper loses its quality and strength due of the humidity. Humidity Meter can help to tune the output of the water pump that will keep the humidity level within the range required and hence with the help of this device one can increase the storage capacity of the warehouse and thus the production of paper can be increased.
In case of wood industry, the humidity can either swell or shrink the wood. Hence, in wood industry Humidity Controller is a necessity. By maintaining a proper amount of humidity one can maintain good quality standards in the production process.
In wine industries there is always a fear that the wine kept in wooden barrels can evaporate at room temperature. The rate of evaporation can be controlled if the amount of humidity increased using Humidity Controller and thus is of great use in case of wine and beverage industry. We know that if amount of humidity is low, the chances of getting fire are high. Therefore in many industries they install humidity controllers to control the amount of humidity and to keep it under the optimum levels so that chances of catching fire are reduced.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

ORP Meter the savior from many water related issues

The sky-scraping development in science has brought a huge change in the human world. Today pollution can be found in every nook and corner. The various chemicals, wastage and other elements are polluting the water, air and even the land. The change in the environmental condition has brought a great threat in living a suitable lifestyle. Numerous pollution related problem has been found in many parts around the globe. The lack of greenery has thus affected the climatic condition and due to which rainfall is degrading. The scarcity of water can be found in many different part of the world. To drink a glass of pure water costs more than a chocolate. The reason behind this is the inappropriate use of water.
The water is the most valuable element in a person’s life. Without water a human being can’t survive. Moreover the intake of pure and healthy water is very essential as failing to it can bring many diseases in the body. The oceans, rivers, ponds, lake and other water bodies are mostly polluted. So in order to intake pure water people go for various measures to deform the impurity in it. But in this busy world everybody doesn’t have the time to do that task every day. With the recent change in technology various devices have been invented for checking the purity of water.
The need of pure form of water is demanded in home, workplace and many types of industries. So to check the impurity in the ORP Meter is the best device. These devices are designed to check the impurities in water in timely manner with accurate results. Water has been such a important factor in today’s daily life as it has the capability to even run the machines used in various industries. There are some high performance machines which needs pure form of water for better performance. So use of this device is very important on those factories as it leads to the production factor.
The alkaline present in the water needs to be counted as consumption of high alkaline water may lead to certain diseases which become incurable. Therefore   the use of the ORP Meter becomes essential to keep a proper check in the water storage tanks and containers. The meter does not have the capability to remove the impurities in the water but has the feature of reporting the exact percentage of impurity inside the water. The tap water that we drink also contains lots of contamination and to be away from it the use of the digital meter is the best option.
This time saving and accurate device is very handy and can be carried easily at any location. It can check the water impurities in daily basis either at home or any industrial location with an accurate outcome. It is designed in digital format and can be used in measuring alkaline in waters. To live a life of disease free and without any complication one should use the ORP Meter for sure.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Humidity meter the backbone for many industries

The growing hazard of various environmental issues has brought many changes climatically and naturally in many parts of the world. The overwhelming use of the new technology in science has brought a great threat to the mankind. The rise in air pollution has created a variation in the atmosphere due to which there has been constant change in the weather. Many climatic changes like acid rain, hot air and extreme heat has changed the environmental conditions. Apart from air pollution, water pollution is also a key issue for the change in environment. The chemicals and harmful elements are mixing up with the water due to which alteration of average temperature is witnessed.
The introduction of various new technique of controlling this typical matter is being taken as a concern. Many industries use a variety of high end machineries for the production of goods. Due to the heat formed by the machineries, the atmosphere of the particular area gets warm. As a result the humidity level of the area increases which creates a hot environment. Consequently, the factories need to control it as it affects the production procedure. So, they opt for some devices which can keep them notified about the change in the atmosphere inside the work place.
Technology has attained such a great level that digitalized device has been launched for calculating the humidity of a particular area. The Humidity Controller is the most widely acceptable device in the present scenario. It works in a scientific manner known as flash evaporation which main purpose is to absorb the excess water. This electronic device comes with a nozzle and through this nozzle the flash evaporation takes place. It minimizes the humidity level of the air and brings moisture in it for cooler environment. This high end electronic device has been designed in digital format and shows accurate result of a particular area without any deception.
Humidity meter are easily available in the market and has multiple varieties. Depending upon the preferences by the users this electronic device can be found in various models. This multipurpose device shows the temperature as well as the humidity level of that particular unit. It is widely used in industries which have numerous machines running at the same time. Industry related to the production of automobile, paper, wood, micro chip, cotton etc has a great importance for this electronic device. This device makes the workers aware of the present atmospheric condition of the room which helps them in the manufacture progression.
The use of this meter helps an industry in superior delivery of produced goods without facing any kind of losses. It helps to maintain the room temperature and thus makes the workers feel relaxed about the outcome of the manufactured products. It comes with both manual and automatic transmission depending upon the use of it in a particular place. The Humidity Meter has a very important role in an industry as its purpose is very vital for the change in the ambiance.

Monday, May 5, 2014

CONDUCTIVITY METER Device which gives you clear picture of the impurities in water

The human being always opts for pure form of water for consuming, manufacturing goods as well as serving to different living beings. In this world of science the water found in any place is not easily consumable. The water present in the river, sea or pond is not for direct consumption as it conatis many types of impurities in it. The waste materials that are being released by the human beings from factories, home or work place comes and get mixed up with them. So its not possible to get pure water everywhere.
The development in science and technology has taken the machinery world to another level. One can now check all this issues with a device. There are numerous machines and gadgets which can check the impurities of water. The water can be mixed with many elements like salt, carbon-di-oxide and various chemicals. And to get a perfect result of the purity of the water devices with many high end features are being launched in the market. One can check the conductivity of the water without taking a long process and can save their precious time. This machinery is commonly used to check stored water in swimming pools, industries etc.
The heavy machinery used in the factories need the Conductivity Meter to check all the impurities mixed up with the water. This machinery is specially designed to check the chemicals and other elements present in the water. If proper check is not done then the machines may go faulty which may lead to low lifeline. Some high end machines need an exact amount of water for functioning and pure water is the only priority for those machines. This device is meant for measuring the impurities but not for purifying the water.
The device has got some of the most high sensitivity sensor which immediately calculates all the elements that are present in the water. It helps the user to check water stored in tanks, swimming pools and moreover alerts if there is any leakage on those storage devices. The Conductivity Meter are designed in water resistant technology and have a high durability body. This high performance device can be used in any condition and has separate indicator light to know the status of the test. The tool comes in many different sizes and has different price range.
This high end gadget is used in laboratories, educational institution and other places to keep a check on the quality of the water. A simple mistake can lead to many obstructions in performing any experiment inside the laboratory. So to be in the safe side this meter is used for thorough check.
The Conductivity meter comes in a price which is affordable taking in consideration to its capability. It is heavy and can be used for long lasting period. High durability and reliable result is the main feature of this modern technology tool. The meter comes handy and can be easily installed at any location. It comes with shock proof condition.