Monday, April 21, 2014

Flow meters - features and utility in the industry

Flow meters are instruments used to measure the velocity or speed of liquids and gases. Flow meters find immense use in industries where there is a need to calculate the velocity of liquids and gases like petroleum industry or energy generating industry such as wind, water and so on. Flow meters Aare also essential in construction of dams to calculate velocity of the water.

There are various technologies behind the application and construction of a flow meter. A flow meter that uses magnetic energy is called a mag flow meter. It works on a conductor passing through a field (which is magnetic) where it gets the capacity of creating voltage in proportion with the velocity of the conductor so as to regulate the flow of the liquid or gaseous substance.

Following are some advantages and dis advantages of using a flow meter-


  • mag flow meters do not get affected by pressure especially with drops in pressure
  • They readings are highly accurate and exact.
  • It is capable of measuring velocity of any liquid or gaseous substance
  • Climatic conditions do not affect the flow meters.

  • Sometimes liquids have to match the conductor's condition even though the flow meter works with every kind of liquid. For instance deionizer water would not work and thus the flow meter cannot show any reading.
  • Sometimes accurate results get disrupted when there is space left in pipes. So it is to be made sure in case of liquids such as water, the pipes are filled to rhe brim and thus giving accurate result.

Another common type of flow meter apart from the above mentioned mag flow meter is low flow meter. It is capable of measuring linear or non linear mass flow of liquid or gaseous substances. This type of flow metes are more complex than the mag flow meters and thus require higher specifications per se. These types of Flow Meter only work with specific type of liquids or gaseous substances and thus one need to have proper knowledge about it before making its use. You also need to decipher which kind of flow needs to be measured before using this type as they flow could be measured in various methods.

Another common type of flow meter is a vortex flow meter. This type of a flow mete uses a bluff body in the direction in which the liquid is flowing. As the fluid passes this body, it would hit and part sideways. The presence of this creates disruption in the flow which is thus known as vortices. The vortex then hits the cylinder from sides of the bluff bossy through which the flow meter Determines the velocity.

One can easily avail a Flow Meter Through online sites like Countronics which produce standard electronic devices such as timers, meters, and loggers. They have about 3 types of flow metes each having specifications to suit diffrent purposes using digital technology and analog representation of the measure.

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