Thursday, May 30, 2013

Countronics Temperature Controller

India is a developing country which needs all its corners well guarded & all troops well mastered so that it could get its name registered amongst the developing nations. For this there needs to be a strong industrial base which is as strong as it proves an unbreakable foundation. The industries in India are prospering although yet there is a requirement of higher level of coordination among many different segments. The growth of distinct sectors like finance industry & the real estate as well as woodworking, beer and wine and the textiles has resulted in India surging ahead in ranks beating many of its competitors. The Indian electronics sector has also seen exemplary advances as the supply of instruments made by Indian Electronics Companies is supplied worldwide.
The segment of electronic tools and hardware markets has got refreshed within last few years or near two decades. There are many kinds of tools supporting human lives and driving a variety of businesses forth by providing them help in various forms. Temperature becomes very concerning point for a number of industries as well as domestics as it crosses over a certain threshold value whether on the ceiling side or on the floor. This could not be checked until we have some way of dealing with it. Only Temperature Controller tool can help the situation better. Temperature Controller is made up from a very simple but sophisticated methodology of electronics where a sensor is attached to programmed Integrated Circuits and an LCD to reflect results on screen.
The Temperature Controller has inner and outer parts. The product Temperature Controller is very beneficial in many ways where the first point being its proving economical in effects to the accuracy of outcomes. The outer parts consist of the display screen to reflect the degree value of temperature recorded and sensor that gives input to the inner part of Temperature Controller unit. The inner part has ICs and buses for applying the exact effect to control the temperature. Best example of Temperature Controller product is the Air Conditioner taken in use by public at large. The instrument is based upon electronic revolutions and covers over for certain range of temperature within a given area. Temperature Controller is very productive in its operations in many ways explained below.
A Temperature Controller is as sharp as a razors blade. Without missing on any single occasion the product is economical in cost and beneficial for the purpose as it can be maintained easily as well as the handling of the Temperature Controller is very easy. Any instrument is beneficial if it is long lasting and is accurate forever. Temperature Controller fulfills this requirement too since it, being an electronic product, would not deteriorate with time so would last forever & resulting into positive outcomes irrespective of when a person is using the product since. Temperature Controller is particularly developed to solve the purpose of maintaining a specified temperature in the industries. There is an electronic tools development organization Countronics that presents top quality Temperature Controller for use.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Countronics Humidity Meter

For if there is anything throughout your surroundings which has become problematic for you it would not let you take rest anytime and when it is about humidity of you surrounding regions the problems is deeper. The moisture or the water content involved within the atmosphere is a cause of deep concern because it degrades the productivity of the environment to make it apprehensive for the human beings. The industrial and business operations, too, get stuck in the midst of high level of humidity. Sometimes there are industries that do not require very low level of humidity also hence for them humidity range should be decided within certain specified values. The water level if gets increased in the atmospheric air then it starts consuming the stamina and therefore making the people feel tired rather early.
To resolve the problems related to humidity one needs an accurate measure wherein along with the measure of temperature the content of water that is its volume should be measured. For that it is impossible to decide it without some instruments. In the market now the instrument which is being sold for the purpose of measuring exact humidity level is Humidity Meter. The Humidity Meter is such an efficient product which is extremely easy to operate & comfortable to manage that its maintenance and handling could be conferred to anyone. The Humidity Meter product is very highly in demand as it satisfies the purpose of calculating moisture present in the air for an economical budget. Humidity Meter is very easy to make as it contains simple sensing devices and integrated circuits along with screen to display results.
The process of calculating water content is to sense the temperature of the environ then sending it to the microcontrollers where the programmed integrated circuits connected through buses do apply the density related formula so that to get the ratio of dry air with respect to wet air. This value is then digitized to reflect the exact value on the LED screen of Humidity Meter. There is always a healthy competition in the electronics market and therefore the cost of products goes on decreasing every now & then. The beneficiary of this type of competition is always the customer itself since it gets highest quality products within the least possible prices. For Humidity Meter product as well there is a strong competition among many companies wherein the company which stands atop others is Countronics.
Countronics developed Humidity Meter product is worth its value. Everyone wants to have the products that are top notch in quality, best in providing accurate results while still they are not much costly. All these specifications are supplied to the fullest by Countronics Humidity Meter. The Countronics Humidity Meter gives perfect outcome and is the most competitive throughout the market when we talk about pricing. It is one of the products which is an inevitable need of human beings for both domestics as well as industrial or commercial purposes. Take Countronics Humidity Meter to enjoy all the benefits.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

A Human Life Need is Temperature Logger

Temperature remains a concerning thing for human beings since very long. Whether we talk in medical terms to measure the temperature of the body of a patient or we take the normal environmental temperature into act the Temperature Logger is a device which can fulfill to the best of its strengths the requirements related to recording, storage and processing of temperatures for being used in varying circumstances. The temperature of human body if exceeds the standard level then it becomes very crucial to get the concern resolved or else fatal may it prove. There are numerous applications of a Temperature Logger device in medical world of today & assisted by technological advances the field is growing upwards gaining excellence.
Temperature Logger is not a complex tool that its components require very deep understanding but is a very simple data collection device that stores temperature data in logs to be used later in issuing correct treatment. Effective are these electronic equipments as they can help us capability to record any number of evens. The advanced logging of temperature data requires such efficient system that can ably handle large data sets at its own assist in deducing measures to sort out generally occurring instances. The modern Temperature Logger devices are such instruments that could support us in pronouncing the removal or reduction to a large extent of the bitter consequences due to temperature instability.
Among the simplest electronic products is Temperature Logger used excellently in unidirectional scenes to perform one single operation that of recording and storing temperature data in varying conditions at varying times. The medical field makes extremely effective use of Temperature Logger in positive sense. The temperature of the body of patients is sensed from fingers via monitoring sensors. Sensor attached to the finger of the patient records temperature at one time and sequentially after certain time durations continuously. The storage facility gives the Temperature Logger device a valuable competitive edge since it may now help in determining several points about temperature variations. The regular changes in temperature and the long term patterns can be predicted with good effects as the Temperature Logger can store, retain & reorganize large data sets for long time duration.
For conducting researches related to medical studies and that too in relation with human body temperature the use of this device proves handy as well as very crucial. Accuracy the term used for all kind of electronic tools is one positive point of Temperature Logger too hence it can retain specific accurate data. Fields where minute changes in temperature may create huge difference to the systematic analysis the product stands apart by being exact and very particular. Moreover the Temperature Logger is used to maintain required level of temperature in differentiated places.
Temperature Logger, thus, is by far a very interesting technology invention that helps human beings in many ways. Countronics is presenting a Temperature Logger in market that satisfies all purposes.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Data Loggers Emerging As Important Industrial Tools

The measurement instruments play a vital role in precisely measuring any aspect of object which is kept under consideration. However, with worldwide global climate change, there is an increased concern about climatic changes and with the wider applications of temperature monitoring devices to measure a range of environmental factors such as humidity, temperature, solar radiation , water table levels, rainfall and many more, these are getting increasingly prevalent in market.

Coupled with multi channel universal input capability, these modern temperature measuring devices are offering long operation on internal batteries. Thus, where the environmental settings vary extensively, the Data Loggers prove to be ideal for use. The various applications of temperature loggers are listed below-
·         Temperature logger applications in factories-
The logging as well as monitoring of temperature is vital in various manufacturing industries. In food manufacturing industries, these devices assist in maintaining the correct temperature so as to ensure that unprocessed food is stored well and in cold stores. Also in production lines and in oven as well, the devices ensure that the food is heated appropriately for the required length of time.

·         Temperature logger applications in offices-
Various companies ensure that the temperature Data Loggers are installed in main working areas to ensure stability of temperature across the building so that comfort working is encouraged. The staffs are also able to work in proper environment and do not complaint for the environment being either too cold or too hot.  Also, these devices record the temperature for further reference and analysis of information.

·         Use in hospitals
The hospitals also have encountered various applications for these loggers in record keeping of temperature and managing fluctuations in hospitals various types of drugs are to be stored. For this reason, an appropriate temperature is required to be maintained in freezers and fridges, thus, installing temperature loggers permanently can better assist in storage of drug samples. Here the logger is often used to retrieve historical data.

·         In processing industries
The temperature recording instrument is prominently used in curing of smocked food and in drying process in food industry. In bricks processing industry, the fitted inside the thermal barrier to protect these against heat damage. Also, in factory processes, these devices are being used to record machine run time, throughput of product and down time that can later be used for statistical analysis of efficiency of production processes. A logger equipped with appropriate sensors can further assist in measuring the compressed air usage, levels of product in tanks as well as system voltages.
·         In environmental monitoring
The temperature loggers have discovered their applications in areas to log temperature where the scientists and researchers need to have an exact ground temperature data. The typical examples can be cited from mountainous areas, Polar Regions, glaciers, rain forests etc. these can widely be used in monitoring rivers and lakes.
There are many applications of Data Logger and one can choose amongst many, therefore selecting one which is appropriate and match to quality standards can be done with the help of internet.

Monday, May 13, 2013

PH Meter

Electronics have been a great field to be developed. The physical world of ours is blessed with several outstanding creations just because of the electronic revolutions. Where performing a small task used to take lot of time and effort now even the most difficult tasks can be performed quite easily. This has also caused living standards of people to go upwards. Forever, human life has been dependent on many living and non living things. Water and air has been the mandatory elements as not longer can one survive without both of them. Fresh air and clean drinkable water is unavoidable for life. If the water is polluted then it would not be drinkable.
The main problem with water is that it could be acidic or alkaline. This is determined by calculating the pH value. This value of pH indicates the degree of hydrogen ions present. If the value is less than 7.0 then water is said to be acidic. This kind of water can be exemplified by acidic rain. Pure form of water will have its pH value equal to 7. If this value goes above 7 then the water is said to be basic or alkaline. Not only of water but of any liquid solutions pH value can be calculated. For that we have a very excellent presentation by electronics that is called PH Meter. The device works on the principle of normal acid-base methodology.
PH Meter is an electronics product that uses multiple programmed Integrated Circuits and is associated with an LCD LED display to showcase the result. The formula of taking the negative logarithm of number of hydroxide ions present will calculate the pH value that can be presented as an output on the screen. Thus one can easily determine what pH value of a solution is. It is connected with a glass electrode that breaks down the reaction to exactly determine the pH value.
Countronics an electronics tools development major is presenting best quality PH Meter that has up scaled throughout market. Excelling itself among the clients Countronics is continuing to present the highest quality to value equipments. The competition in the electronics market has forced companies to keep the price of their products low and Countronics also has been well on course with what the market competitive rates are and has kept the pace with it. A worth buy is the Countronics PHMeter to decide up to what extent alkaline or acidic a solution is.